I had an interesting conversation with a fellow volunteer at church today.  She did not grow up in the Christian faith but chose this path  when she was in University.  I have been grappling with my own Christian faith for a while, so we talked about a few things.  Some titbits of our conversation is how  everyone wants to be happy and the pursuit of happiness.   Different things come to mind, career, marriage, competition, money as an end goal and though they provide some satisfaction, these experiences  are fleeting.   She also mentioned about the quality of relationships she has had in the Christian community.   I can attest to that as most of the people I am surrounded are secular.  Even though our interaction was probably fifteen minutes I was pleasantly  surprised that we could engage in a conversation on a deeper level.  Most people I meet are lovely and kind, however, the conversations  are generally very surface level.

                We came to the question of the impact of Christianity on her.    I have been a Christian for a long time, but lately have been feeling a sense of exhaustion and a lack of meaning.  She was a young mother of two and it was delightful to talk to her.  She commented how this happiness is found rather as a by product of service and being in the Christian faith and community.  What stood out to me was that she had tried other things, but this worked.   I felt a sense of a need for renewal and to be connected to having this joy and peace of God in my own life.   We have a series of seminars coming up at Bayview Glen  delving into different topics   Now looking back at this, I believe this has been a God ordained encounter.